Get address from Latitude/Longitude in php

Conversion of geo-coordinates into address is known as Reverse Geocoding. In this script we are using Google map API because it’s free, fast and no API key required.

Rate Limit of Google reveres Geocoding is 2500 API calls per IP per day.

PHP function for Reveres Geocoding

function getaddress($lat,$lng)
$url = ''.trim($lat).','.trim($lng).'&sensor=false';
$json = @file_get_contents($url);
$status = $data->status;
return $data->results[0]->formatted_address;
return false;

Pass latitude and longitude in getaddress() function. It will return address string on success otherwise return boolean false.


$lat= 26.754347; //latitude
$lng= 81.001640; //longitude
$address= getaddress($lat,$lng);
echo $address;
echo "Not found";

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7 thoughts on “Get address from Latitude/Longitude in php

  1. Aditya

    Very nice and simple code. thanks a lot

  2. Manu

    Hello Aditya,

    The api was working properly but now it is returning a wrong address for a given latitue and logitude

  3. Mohammad Nazmul Hasan Pias

    Nice tutorial . Thanks for sharing with us .

    But I faced a problem , sometimes when I run your code , address isn’t available for the same Latitude and longitude I used before and got address by same code.

    Any solution ?

    Thanks in Advance again .

  4. Abhiram

    How to get specific continent for lat and long

  5. sayed mehdi

    thank you very much
    how to set locate farsi?
    and get me farsi language address

  6. kedar

    very nice tutorial

  7. mhmd

    It not work for me online but work good on a localhost
    how can i solve this ?


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