Update: No more Pagerank. On April 15, 2016 Google has officially shut down their Google Toolbar PageRank Data to public
Pagerank is a ranking given to any page (between 0 to 10) by google. It is based upon total numbers of backlinks to page. The higher pagerank will get higher position in search result.
As we can view pagerank of any page in google toolbar. But google doesn’t provide any API to access it’s Pagerank database. So in this article i will explain you how to get this pagerank value using php code.
Here is class to get Pagerank Save it as PRclass.php
<?php class PR { public function get_google_pagerank($url) { $query="http://toolbarqueries.google.com/tbr?client=navclient-auto&ch=".$this->CheckHash($this->HashURL($url)). "&features=Rank&q=info:".$url."&num=100&filter=0"; $data=file_get_contents($query); $pos = strpos($data, "Rank_"); if($pos === false){} else{ $pagerank = substr($data, $pos + 9); return $pagerank; } } public function StrToNum($Str, $Check, $Magic) { $Int32Unit = 4294967296; // 2^32 $length = strlen($Str); for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) { $Check *= $Magic; if ($Check >= $Int32Unit) { $Check = ($Check - $Int32Unit * (int) ($Check / $Int32Unit)); $Check = ($Check < -2147483648) ? ($Check + $Int32Unit) : $Check; } $Check += ord($Str{$i}); } return $Check; } public function HashURL($String) { $Check1 = $this->StrToNum($String, 0x1505, 0x21); $Check2 = $this->StrToNum($String, 0, 0x1003F); $Check1 >>= 2; $Check1 = (($Check1 >> 4) & 0x3FFFFC0 ) | ($Check1 & 0x3F); $Check1 = (($Check1 >> 4) & 0x3FFC00 ) | ($Check1 & 0x3FF); $Check1 = (($Check1 >> 4) & 0x3C000 ) | ($Check1 & 0x3FFF); $T1 = (((($Check1 & 0x3C0) << 4) | ($Check1 & 0x3C)) <<2 ) | ($Check2 & 0xF0F ); $T2 = (((($Check1 & 0xFFFFC000) << 4) | ($Check1 & 0x3C00)) << 0xA) | ($Check2 & 0xF0F0000 ); return ($T1 | $T2); } public function CheckHash($Hashnum) { $CheckByte = 0; $Flag = 0; $HashStr = sprintf('%u', $Hashnum) ; $length = strlen($HashStr); for ($i = $length - 1; $i >= 0; $i --) { $Re = $HashStr{$i}; if (1 === ($Flag % 2)) { $Re += $Re; $Re = (int)($Re / 10) + ($Re % 10); } $CheckByte += $Re; $Flag ++; } $CheckByte %= 10; if (0 !== $CheckByte) { $CheckByte = 10 - $CheckByte; if (1 === ($Flag % 2) ) { if (1 === ($CheckByte % 2)) { $CheckByte += 9; } $CheckByte >>= 1; } } return '7'.$CheckByte.$HashStr; } } ?>
To get Pagerank
<? require("PRclass.php"); $url='http://www.toolspot.org/'; $pr = new PR(); echo "$url has Google PageRank: ". $pr->get_google_pagerank($url) ; ?>
For Demo See our Pagerank checker tool
still works like a charm per 11/2014 😀
It’s working but i need code check keyword ranking 🙁
WOW ..it’s working fine…
Works, but always show pr=1 for all my pr=0 sites.
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